Multimodal Research

The challenge of studying human behaviour is well-known to researchers, given the complexity of human nature.

Multimodal recording scenarios become more relevant to complete the observation of the actions, reactions and interactions of individuals.

In this journey to a deeper comprehension of human conduct, we count on advanced partner technologies.

Now you can integrate behavioural analysis, eye tracking, and fNIRs with brain activity monitoring. Discover how the combination of Bitbrain technology with Tobii, Noldus or Cortivision can enrich your research projects.

More information

Tobii is the global leader in eye tracking, using attention computing to help capture and understand human attention and intent.

Perform investigations both inside and outside of the laboratory with accurate and wireless EEG, biosignals and eye tracker technologies. With the implementation of multimodal recording, each parameter provides information to the researcher by itself but also adds value to the rest creating a synergy.

Bitbrain Minimal and Versatile EEG devices can work with Tobii wearable and screen-based eye-tracking systems.

Noldus develops professional tools for observational research: study behavioural processes, automate measurements, improve data...

By integrating the data of Bitbrain's EEG diadem in Observer XT, the leading software platform for behavioural research, you can synchronize observations from your investigation with neural data. Researchers can reconstruct and analyze the cognitive processes and information utilization within our brains.

The Noldus Observer XT can integrate and synchronize Bitbrain's EEG Diadem.

Cortivision is a pioneering tech company specialising in fNIRS technology and mobile brain research devices for neuroscience innovation.

Combining Cortivision fNIRS allows for measuring the changes in haemoglobin concentration at specific spots in the brain tissue. This easy-to-use combination offers a deeper understanding of research studies. Maximize the measurement of electrophysiology and hemodynamic data with temporal and spatial resolution.

The suggested technologies for the combination are Bitbrain’s EEG Versatile and Cortivision’s Photon Cap.